Pastor Jim Sanderbeck
December 6, 2023
I know we are entering the Christmas season. And most leaders will bring forth celebratory exhortations as we come together in worship and fellowship—as we should. I don’t want to hinder or take away this powerful season of honoring our Savior King’s birth.
Chairos Moment
However, in midst of this celebratory season, we are experiencing a chairos (ki´-ross) moment. [Chairos: A moment defined in the Greek as “the right time”; God’s time. A time when God breaks into chronos (chronological time) and releases His magnificent Kingdom plan and purpose. Jesus said, “it is not my time.” (John 6:7,8) (I.e. The time for Him to be revealed as the Messiah had not yet been reached.) The chairos moment had not yet come].
Holy Spirit is speaking and directing us to come to the wall with weapons and tools. (Nehemiah. Chapter 4) Just like the Jews of Nehemiah’s day, I believe that we are in a chairos moment of time as well as the Christmas season. Nehemiah said in 4:20 “wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, run to that place. Our God will fight for us.” The trumpet in that case sounded the chairos moment. We must hear that trumpet for us today.
This Christmas season we are in an unprecedented season of warfare. It is a chairos moment for the Ekklesia (the church Jesus is building) to be revealed as God’s authority in the earth through Jesus Christ. True, if you have been involved with spiritual matters over any of the last 30 years, we have experienced some aspect of spiritual warfare. I was introduced to spiritual warfare back in the early 1990’s. However, this chairos moment of spiritual warfare is at a higher and more intense level than, perhaps, ever before. I’m experiencing and learning that what came before as spiritual warfare was an elementary preparation for what is happening today.
The Lion Of Judah, The Ekklesia, And The War.
Over many decades and longer, the western church has been made very familiar with Jesus as the Lamb, but the western church is way behind in knowing Jesus as the Lion of Judah. Please understand that both Lion and Lamb demonstrate our God’s great love for man. The Lamb of God acts to love through everything salvation has to offer. The Lion of Judah acts to love through conviction of sin and ultimate judgement of all that is unrighteous. In both cases, he operates out of His love.
Today, in chronos time, God will continue to operate by showing Himself as the Lamb, but it is a chairos moment for the Lion of Judah’s (Rev. 5:5) appearance over the evil, lawlessness, and unrighteousness that is completely out of hand in the USA and around the world. The Lion has come on the scene to judge the stench of sin and unrighteousness that comes from those who have rejected Him and His Kingdom. The Ekklesia is His agreement in the earth.
Believers have a Kingdom assignment and purpose. In this day, when you obediently follow God’s directives, the enemy is threatened more than ever before. He recognizes that, as the Ekklesia learns who they are and continues to aggressively move to advance the Kingdom of God, his time is short. Today, he has been so prideful and arrogant that he has been caught in the midst of his lies. His lies are exposed and the power of fear has been overcome. Jesus said, “I saw satan fall light lightening” [Luke 10:18], and John wrote in the Revelation of Jesus Christ “the dragon and his angels [satan and his fallen angels] was just not strong enough”. [Rev. 12:7-8] Satan has been trying to do all he can to bring unprecedented fear and has gone overboard in his tactics of pain and atrocities against humanity, God’s chosen, and those unwilling to submit or compromise the promises of God through Jesus Christ. However, the Lion of Judah is now roaring. Don’t poke a lion with a stick.
How Is This War To Be Fought?
Under the leading of Holy Spirit, It means that praise and worship needs to be understood and used as a weapon of war. It means we are to be praying and declaring the Word of God over our circumstances in the Name and by the Blood of Jesus. We’ve done these things in the past but not as aggressively and intently as is necessary today. It is going to have to be not daily but multiple times during the day. Whenever Holy Spirit quickens our spirits, we must engage.
Recently, teachers and prophets have been saying that we need to “cooperate” with the Angelic Host of Heaven in this raging spiritual war. What does that mean and how is it to be carried out? I’m learning now to implement way beyond the elementary levels of the spiritual warfare of the 1990’s. It is inviting and commissioning our angels to gather and minister on behalf of the Ekklesia. It is speaking the Word of God to the angelic host and they will carry out God’s Word. (Ps. 103:20)
My friends, we are in an all-out war against hell’s evil spirits. These panicked demons are rotten, blatant and in your face in this hour. At least in our lifetime, they are operating at levels not experienced before. They will kill you if they can. They are manifesting on every social/cultural mountain. [As an example: Look at the word of the people-group that has brought terror to the nation and people of Israel. They are called Hamas. The Hebrew word for violence is hamas. Genesis 6:11,13] How much of an accident is that?
Today, I encourage everyone reading this article to “gird up your loins”, “Eph 6:13 take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.” And on behalf of all believers (especially those with whom you have close relationship, Eph 6:18 With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints”. Look closely at the intent and the deeper meaning Apostle Paul was communicating in these passages. He wasn’t just passing time or speaking into the air. WE MUST STEP IT UP! We have not been here before. We must move in symphonic agreement with Holy Spirit in spiritual matters that concern us and our assignments. We must work in cooperation with the angels. All of these things together is what is releasing the roar of the Lion of Judah.
In closing, Merry Christmas to you. May you celebrate the birth of King Jesus with reckless abandon. Additionally, I pray God’s wisdom, understanding, protection be upon and within you, your ministry assignments, and your family in this season of war. I pray that the Lion of Judah will manifest against every form of evil arrayed against you. And, I pray that your weapons will be battle hardened, sharp and strong in every satanic encounter. May our God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) get all glory and find us obediently being His ambassadors in the earth. You are Joel Chapter 2.
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