Pastor Jim Sanderbeck

June 29,02023

It is very clear today that one of the strongest statements that we can make for the Kingdom of God is to “influence through impact.”  I simply mean that when we influence those around us by being a good citizen of the Kingdom of God, then we become a vessel of great impact for the Kingdom.

Remember, Jesus came to change the culture of this world into the culture of the Kingdom of God.  He was not passive about it.  He came to destroy the works of the enemy. 1 John 3:7-8 says:

1Jn 3:7  Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous;

1Jn 3:8  the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. (NASB)

Jesus did not come to bring peace–but a sword. Mat 10:34

“Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

However our culture change method of “impact through influence” is not as the world does.  All you have to do is look at the world today.  The evil, violence, lies, corruption and total lawlessness in this nation and around the world clearly demonstrates the tactics of the enemy and his influencing style.  It is filled with death and injustice for all.  Our “impact through influence” comes about by the Kingdom model we represent.  As part of the Ekklesia, we are of a legislative body that models Kingdom life.  We are ambassadors of the King with full authority to exercise culture change by exhibiting the nature of the King Himself.

The time is upon us that on the 7 mountains of society (education, government, religion, media, arts & entertainment, business & finance, and family) the Kingdom of God must manifest through us.  In the AIM family network, we are assigned to “influence” and steward the part of the world that we touch.  First, we model Kingdom life and the nature of our King.  THEN, when we have done that and the opportunity presents itself, through the Holy Spirt, the available power for “impact” is available to change the culture.  Someone will awaken.  Someone will get revived.  The Kingdom has come and the King redeems what was lost.  It is not a  complicated pattern.  Can you see it?

This week, AIM’s Sue Anthony is a model example of this truth.  Yes, this amazingly kind and meek woman of God has impacted the marketplace at her job at the Grove City Outlet Mall.  She has done it by influencing this part of her world by simply being Sue.  Take a look at this:

The descriptive says: “Sue is one of the hardest workers!  Known at the store as “Miss Sue” she is always willing to help in whatever capacity!  She is amazing at customer service, helping customers find whatever they need.  She has also been a staple and regular associate at our clearance store location helping to keep it stocked and well maintained.  She is a caring team player that loves to stay busy and work hard.  She is one of the first to ask you how you are doing, and one of the first to pick up a shift or switch shifts with another associate.  She truly is the heartbeat and rhythm of the store.”

The last thing Sue would want or that I am trying to do is make Sue bigger than she is or cause her to be the center of attraction.  JESUS IS THE CENTERPIECE!  Take a look at the descriptive.  It is all Kingdom!  Servant – Loyal – Caring – Team Oriented – Works hard for her employer – Looks for opportunity to be kind – Cooperative with others.  This is exercising our legal authority as an ambassador of the Kingdom.  This is culture changing impact!  She has impacted by the Holy Ghost this store and the mall, and has become an influence with favor for future outcomes on that business mountain.  Come on!!!  Way to be Sue!  Jesus loves this stuff.

Look AIM.  Our network has been chosen by God to be a catalyst for awakening, revival and transformation in our geographic and ministry assignment regions.  I can’t help it.  You can’t help it.  Jesus as our King has assigned it.  Remember the song by William P. Merrill.

  1. Rise up, O men of God!
    Have done with lesser things;
    Give heart and soul and mind and strength
    To serve the King of kings.
  2. Rise up, O men of God!
    His kingdom tarries long;
    As faithful workmen, watch and pray
    And light the night of wrong.
  3. Rise up, O men of God!
    The church for you doth wait—
    Your strength unequal to the task,
    But Christ in you is great!
  4. Lift high the cross of Christ;
    Tread where His feet have trod;
    As brothers of the Son of man,
    Rise up, O men of God!

Family, THIS IS US!!!  WE WIN or WE WIN!!

TOGETHER, WE CAN change the world.  Be a culture changer.  Be a Kingdom ambassador.  The hour is upon us!!