“Pray Against America’s Arab Spring”

“Pray Against America’s Arab Spring” 

Nick Manzo, AIM Apostolic Council July 24, 2024

I have been doing word studies on light, lamp, illumine, etc. in the last week.  I felt that I needed to focus on Jesus (always a good thing) because so much of our prayer focus has been spiritual warfare for America, Israel, and the harvest.

During my study on April 21, I heard the Spirit say, “Pray against America’s Arab Spring.”

I remembered the Arab Spring that eventually led to the Muslim Brotherhood gaining the leadership in Egypt’s government, and the chaos and oppression that followed.  I had to look up some details and found that the flash point for the Arab spring was that, in 2010, a young street vendor in Tunisia protested the economic and governmental difficulties of that season by self-immolation.  A protest movement, dubbed the “Jasmine Revolution” in the media, quickly spread through the country, then throughout much of the Arab world over the next several years.

The flash point today has been the Hamas atrocities against Israel, and the subsequent Israeli war against Hamas in Gaza.  The attack, backed by Iran against the nation of Israel, was a manifestation of the “prince of Persia”, the same demonic principality Michael had to overcome, so Gabriel could bring the answer to Daniel’s prayer.  I feel the warning I was given has been confirmed by the increased Pro Palestinian protests here and abroad.

Today, July 24, 2024, I am called back to the desires of the enemy to bring forth an Arab Spring against the United States and the Western World.  It is already being executed against Israel with attacks by Hamas (Palestine), Hezbollah (Lebanon), the Houthis (Yemen), and Iran.  We must remain a loyal ally of hers.

The exposure of antisemitism world-wide is part of the shaking that is forcing the darkness to reveal its hand.  The Pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Washington DC today when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Congress, are a harbinger of the unrest that we must pray against.  The socialist sponsored BLM riots are a pattern that may be emulated by the Pro-Palestinian supporters.  The failure of the Deep State to call those “Peaceful Protesters” rioters is a concern.

The boldness of the attack on President Trump, and the ineptness or corruption of the Secret Service in protecting him, have highlighted the depth of the endemic debasement of many of our American Government institutions.

We must continue to stand on the wall, decreeing and declaring the Word of the Lord, fulfilling  the scriptures of 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If My people…”, and Psalm 122:6-9 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”.